Below is a list of all our API endpoints and what they do:

Name Endpoint Usage Notes
Pickup Line API api.jcwyt.com/pickup Returns a pickup line from the world's largest coherent collection of pickup lines. Will use the text {author}, when a specific name is needed, and {answer} for multi-part pickup lines. It's your job to replace this with something that fits in your context.
Breakup Line API api.jcwyt.com/breakup Returns a breakup line from our giant list breakup lines. Will use the text {author}, when a specific name is needed, and {answer} for multi-part breakup lines. It's your job to replace this with something that fits in your context.
Barbara API api.jcwyt.com/barbara/... Returns statistics about Barbara / - Returns bot version number
/commands - Returns number of commands run
/guilds - Returns number of servers the bot is in
/m*eses - Returns number of meese blocked
/members - Returns number of users

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